22 February 2012

Warrington Taekwondo

By Paul Foley

Taekwondo is the world's most widely practised martial art, an Olympic sport, a system of self-defence and even a way of life! We practise it right here in Blueskin Bay every Monday and Wednesday nights, 6pm – 7.30pm.

Students begin with activities that develop basic skills of coordination, balance, and following directions, all the while increasing fitness. Taekwondo students develop strength, flexibility, endurance, speed, balance, memory, concentration, coordination and self-control. It is great at building self-confidence because students know they have become much more competent through regular external grading. Parents also often note how it helps improve students' school achievements.

At Warriington Taekwando we encourage effort and cooperation as much as results. Manners, self-control and respect are all important. We also have fun, and make sure that both young and not-so-young gain the skills to be able to handle themselves in any situation.


We offer a free month's training for any beginners (children 7 years and above), with very affordable fees thereafter. Whatever your age, ability, gender or fitness, come along and check us out. The club has seven regular black-belt instructors as well as senior belt instructors and a good number of enthusiastic junior belt students, and we love new faces.


For all existing students, a reminder of grading dates this year:

1.  weekend of the 23rd June, day TBC

2.  a weekend day (TBC) in November


Contact Paul Foley, pauldavidfoley@yahoo.com, 478 1113 or Timothy Bain, tim.bain@otago.ac.nz, 021 167 251.

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