23 February 2012

Blueskin Resilient Communities Trust

By PJ CLarke

Trustees have had a busy month, with a number of meetings and planning sessions. Some trustees have taken on new roles. Work on the Blueskin Energy Project has occupied a high proportion of the Trust's time and resources over the last few months, but the trustees are also considering how they can best support other community projects in the Blueskin area. 

In February BRCT delivered an oral submission on the DCC's draft Spatial Plan. The Spatial Plan is important because it will inform other DCC policies and decisions. It outlines options for managing land-use, transportation, food production and energy. It will contribute to the development of the next District Plan, the document that guides the Council's management of the City.

The draft Spatial Plan prefers a management option described as 'Distributed Development.' BRCT supports this concept. Of the options proposed in the Spatial Plan, it is the most favourable for small communities like Blueskin Bay.   

At 7pm on Monday the March 19, Nicole Foss will participate in the Building Local Resilience Forum in Waitati Hall. Nicole is a world-renowned Canadian commentator on oil, financial and environmental issues. She also writes under the nom-de-plume 'Stoneleigh.'

Check out http://theautomaticearth.org/Front-Page.html .

We're lucky to be the first stop on Nicole's NZ Lifeboat Tour. Her visit is well-timed as we are all facing the consequences of rising costs, the global economic crisis and questionable government policies. We are confident the Forum will provide ideas, stimulate discussion and inspire action. Don't miss it.

BRCT is endeavouring to establish an energy advice service. This service would provide householders with free, on-demand expert advice on home energy management.  Two recent requests for funding were declined, but establishing this service remains a priority. BRCT is currently engaged in very positive discussions with the Hikurangi Foundation, about support for the Blueskin Energy Project.

As always, BRCT welcomes any feedback on its activities and offers of assistance. One of the best ways to find out about BRCT is to talk with trustees or contact Scott at the trust office (482 2048.) BRCT trustees are Ross Johnston (co-Chair), Chris Skellett (co-Chair), Antony Deaker (Treasurer), PJ Clarke (Secretary), Kate Parker, Tony Wilson and Gerry Carrington. Jeanette Fitzsimons is the Trust's patron.

You can also find out more about the Trust at: http://www.blueskinpower.co.nz/


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