21 February 2012


by Hilary Rowley

The Waitati Open Orchard group, that's WOO to you, is still out there
making your world more edible.

We have already planted stacks of fruit trees on the street verges of
Waitati, and some berry plants around the new skateboard park. There
may even be some of the wee cranberry-like fruits, Myrtus Ugni,
ripening around the skate park fence soon.

You can recognize the WOO trees by their sturdy manuka stakes and
inner-tube ties. Once planted, a fruit tree takes a lot of maintenance
to get it well established, so we have decided that we will plant a
lot fewer trees this winter, and concentrate instead on mulching,
feeding, pruning and planting companion plants. Keep a watch out for
notices if you want to join in any working bee/picnics and learn more
about the care of fruit trees.

Another planting we hope to be able to do is putting in a row of
walnut trees, (possibly Rex) along the eastern boundary of Bland Park.

There will be three harvest markets this autumn down at the old shop,
next to the bridge
on Harvey Street. They are on the third Sunday of February, March, and
April. The second two will feature the famous apple-pressing
ceremony! If you want to donate apples for pressing, or to buy freshly
pressed apple juice, come along; it's great for making cider, or just
for drinking.

Here is a fruit recipe for now:
Peach, apricot or nectarine chutney (It's an old recipe so you will
have to convert):

4lb fruit
1lb brown sugar
1 pint vinegar
½ oz Cayenne pepper
1lb of raisins, or dates (chopped)
¼ lb preserved ginger
1 oz salt

Boil all for one hour then bottle in sterilized jars.

From blueskin.co.nz and 'Blueskin News' published by Blueskin Media:
voluntary/non-profit community publishers in Blueskin Bay (Seacliff,
Warrington, Evansdale, Waitati, Doctors Point, Purakaunui), Dunedin,
New Zealand. All material sent to or published by us is "copyleft" in
the public domain and may be freely shared, archived, re-edited and
republished. If you want to credit the source it's "blueskin.co.nz".

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