22 January 2011

New Blueskin community telephone directory

by Laurence Hay
Telecom has now given permission for a local telephone directory to be created for the Blueskin area, and has supplied a set of all the 03-482 numbers to enable this to be done.  The last local directory was published in 2000 by the Waitati School PTA, the same body that is sponsoring the new edition.  The old directory was greatly appreciated and much used by Blueskin residents, some of whom still lovingly refer to their tattered copies.
Community telephone directories provide an excellent platform for local businesses and groups to make and keep themselves known around the district.  Those that wish to take advantage of this opportunity should send their advertisement to me at laurence.hay@gmail.com by Monday, 7 February.  The cost per advertisement – for more than a year's prominent exposure in households throughout Blueskin -- is:
  • up to 65 x 95mm (1/8 A4 page) landscape -- $70
  • up to 135 x 90mm (¼ A4 page) portrait -- $130
  • up to 135 x 190mm (½ A4 page) landscape -- $240
An invoice will be sent on receipt of the advertisement.
Non-profit groups that wish to advertise are requested to contact Geraldine Tait on 482 2517.  Also, the directory will include a section listing Blueskin clubs and organisations.  If you wish your club to be included please email me with its full title, and a contact name and phone number.
Not all Blueskin residents have a 482 telephone number.  If your number (landline or mobile) starts with a different digit prefix and you would like to be included in the local directory, please send your name and residential address (in the form that you would like these details to be listed), and your telephone number to laurence.hay@gmail.com by 7 February.  Do the same if you are not currently listed in Telecom's Otago11 White Pages directory but would like to be in the Blueskin book.  Conversely, if you are in the Telecom directory but do not want to be listed in the local book, please inform me by Monday, 7 February.
It is hoped that the new directory will be on sale by the end of February or soon after.  This is a fund-raising project of the Waitati School PTA.
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From blueskin.co.nz and 'Blueskin News' published by Blueskin Media: voluntary/non-profit community publishers in Blueskin Bay (Seacliff, Warrington, Evansdale, Waitati, Doctors Point), Dunedin, New Zealand. All material sent to or published by us is "copyleft" in the public domain and may be freely shared, archived, re-edited and republished. If you want to credit the source it's "blueskin.co.nz".

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