23 April 2011

Waikouaiti Coast Community Board

By Gerard Collings

Our April 6 meeting was held at the Puketeraki Marae. The Board wish
to thank the members of Kati Huirapa Runaka ki Puketeraki for their
warm welcome and hospitality shown to the Board, staff, and those
members of the public that attended the meeting.

Staff are yet to complete their investigations into the traffic issues
in the vicinity of Bay and Bank Road, Warrington, raised by members of
the public. It is expected that a final report will come to our May

The draft Speed Limit Bylaw 2011 is currently out for consultation. It
proposes speed reductions on Coast Road from SH1 to 300km west of
Perry Street (recommend reduced speed limit to 70 km/h), and Coast
Road from 300m West of Perry Street to 250m north of Reservoir Road
(recommend reduced speed limit to 50 km/h). These reductions will
complete the proposed speed limit reductions for Coast Road between
Karitane and Warrington. Submissions on the draft bylaw close with
the DCC on 2 May 2011.

The DCC has agreed to set up a Council working party to look into the
creation of a Scenic Route within the City of Dunedin. The working
party will include community board representation. As a Board we look
forward to the concept of a scenic route being developed for our area.

As previously advised, the DCC is reviewing its freedom camping policy
and bylaw. The new policy is intended to be more permissive than the
previous policy. The Board is generally supportive of the intent of
the new policy and will be submitting to the DCC accordingly.
Submissions close with Council on 2 May 2011.

Submissions have now closed on the DCC's draft Annual Plan. Hearings
will commence shortly. Thanks to all those who have participated in
the process to date. A special thanks to those who took the
opportunity to drop in and express their views at the DCC stall at the
Blueskin A&P show.

A number of residents have raised concerns regarding the apparent
double construction of a roadside retaining wall along Doctors Point
Road. The matter has been discussed with staff who have confirmed that
the initial gabion basket wall was constructed by the contractor
without the appropriate approval. The wall was also considered unsafe
due to its proximity to the carriageway. The contractor was asked to
remove the initial wall and a new more appropriate structure was put
in its place. Staff assure me Council has only paid for the wall to be
constructed once.

Our next scheduled meeting is at 5.30pm 25 May at Waitati Hall, Harvey
Street, Waitati.

Members of the public wishing to speak at the public forum need to
advise Jane Hinkley our Governance Support Officer (Phone 474 3374)
before 12 noon on the day prior to the meeting.

Remember, you can view the Board's meeting agendas, reports and
minutes at the Blueskin Library or through the DCC's website at

Members of the Board are only too happy to hear (by phone or email)
from members of the community about any issues within our area.

Board Contacts Home Work Mobile email
Gerard Collings (Chairperson) 4657604
4707494 0274848800 gerard.collings@xtra.co.nz
Alasdair Morrison (Deputy) 4822505 4822505 0274354384 info@calmarine.co.nz
Andy Barratt 021890048 021890048 asbarratt@farmside.co.nz
Andrew Noone 4657157 0274301727 anoone@dcc.govt.nz
Geraldine Tait 4822517 0212175492 gstait@clear.net.nz
Les Pullar 4658138 0274358020 lesgwen.pullar@xtra.co.nz
Mark Brown 4822833 mark@blueskinnurseries.co.nz

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