25 April 2011

"News" influence felt afar

By Lynnaire Johnston

Blueskin News is, as you will be aware, produced each month by a group
of volunteers keen to give everyone in the community an opportunity to
be heard.
It is funded primarily by advertising, but donations play an important
part. Indeed, there is one member of our community who regularly
contributes a substantial sum but refuses to be publicly acknowledged.
Whoever you are - we thank you!
Contributions generally turn up unannounced, and one did exactly that
very recently. Addressed merely to "Storekeeper, Waitati" it found its
way to the right place thanks to Heather and her staff at the general
store. It was unusual in that the donation was accompanied by a
letter, which read:
Dear Storekeepers
Pardon me for not knowing your names, I do know Terry [Sheppard] liked
you very much.
It is near the "Good Shepherd's" memorial, May 15. We were at his
wonderful arranged funeral. Would you kindly forward the small
enclosed memorium to the Waitati booklet office.
I still feel a tear unshed for what Terry will miss, such as the new
shop - he would have enjoyed a debate about it, bless him.
I was told he used to take unleashed "Chopper" to the shop when
Yolanda was in Australia. She is forever grateful he was so good to
the dog who is a lovely pet - but amazed he survived the busy road.
Joy Groves, Oamaru
It never fails to amaze those of us who work on Blueskin News, just
how far-reaching an influence it has for such a tiny distribution. We
invite you to contribute to it as the more information and articles,
the better the publication.

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