18 August 2010

Steady As You Go

Age Concern Otago is thrilled to offer its popular Steady As You Go exercise
classes in Waitati, starting Wednesday 22 September at 2.30 pm.
The programme is designed to prevent falls for those over 65 years.
Classes are for one hour and use gentle exercises in the chair,
standing and walking, and
have proven excellent to improve balance, leg strength, confidence and
general mobility.
Participants also find the classes a most enjoyable community resource.
A group of ten is preferred to start a class and if successful is able
to continue indefinitely.
Participants are encouraged to wear flat shoes and comfortable
clothes. A $2 donation is appreciated.
All instructors are trained by the School of Physiotherapy at Otago University.
You are welcome to just turn up or phone Margaret for further
enquiries at Age Concern Otago,
477 1040 ext 702.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Blueskin Media <blueskin.input@gmail.com>
Date: 18 August 2010 17:59
Subject: Fwd: Sept edition
To: Craig Marshall <blueskin.production@mac.com>

Hi Craig

I'm dealing with the article separately, but there's an ad here for you.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Margaret Dando <margaret@ageconcernotago.co.nz>
Date: 29 July 2010 16:27
Subject: Sept edition
To: Blueskin News <editors@blueskin.co.nz>

Dear Editors
I would be most appreciative if you could publish this article and
advertisement in the next edition of The Blueskin News.  the classes
start 22 sept.

Many thanks
Margaret Dando

Steady As You Go Coordinator
Age Concern Otago
9 The Octagon, Dunedin 9016

P.O. Box 5355, Dunedin, 9058
ph 03-477-1040 Ext 702

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us immediately by return email and then destroy this email. Thank you.
Any comments or statements made are not necessarily those of Age
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Ā ā Ē ē Ī ī Ō ō Ū ū
From blueskin.co.nz and 'Blueskin News' published by Blueskin Media:
voluntary/non-profit community publishers in Blueskin Bay (Seacliff,
Warrington, Evansdale, Waitati, Doctors Point), Dunedin, New Zealand.
All material sent to or published by us is "copyleft" in the public
domain and may be freely shared, archived, re-edited and republished.
If you want to credit the source it's "blueskin.co.nz".

Ā ā Ē ē Ī ī Ō ō Ū ū
From blueskin.co.nz and 'Blueskin News' published by Blueskin Media:
voluntary/non-profit community publishers in Blueskin Bay (Seacliff,
Warrington, Evansdale, Waitati, Doctors Point), Dunedin, New Zealand.
All material sent to or published by us is "copyleft" in the public
domain and may be freely shared, archived, re-edited and republished.
If you want to credit the source it's "blueskin.co.nz".

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