21 April 2013

Fwd: Warrington Indoor Bowls

Warrington Indoor Bowls Club.
By Cliff and Ruth Porteous

Our club began its 2013 season on 2 April at 7.30pm in the Warrington Hall. The club membership is not big, however to date we have welcomed a new player and two returning players. We trust they will enjoy their season with us. If you would like to give this challenging game a try join us at the Warrington Hall on Tuesday evenings. The only "equipment" you need to provide is soft-soled footwear. The club has all the playing gear.
This season we are going to re-establish a competition of mixed singles for the Pope Trophy. This trophy has not been contested for a number of years. Rather than play it off as a single event as it used to be, we intend playing one or two games each club night. It will be played on a 'two-life system', i.e. if a game is lost then 'a life' is lost, therefore if a player losses two games they are out of the competition. This competition should help develop skills for singles play, too.
The Eastern Districts Sub Association's interclub competition began in mid-April. Warrington took a clean sweep in its first game against Dunback, winning the maximum 14 points, but was not so lucky the following week gaining just two points against a Waikouaiti team.
On 20 April the first competitive tournament for the season was played in Karitane Hall. This event, the Ray Still Memorial Trophy, is a Fours event open to eastern districts players only. There were just six teams playing and the results were worked by gaining 10 points for winning a game, five points if the game was drawn and one point for each end won. A Warrington club team of Ruth Porteous, Cliff Porteous, Dan Mosley and John Barnett won this event.
Contact Lyn 482 2896 or Ruth 482 2849.

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