Tuesday March 12
Loosely based on a 1958 real-life cross-country killing spree, this story centres around bored teenager Holly (Sissy Spacek) meeting rebellious, and latent sociopath Kit (Martin Sheen). The two spark one another to a depth of evil that evolves in an extreme, yet plausible progression. 94m
Tuesday March 26
BEAU TRAVAIL France 1999
Claire Denis produced this study of the togetherness, yet separateness of men. The men are a Foreign Legion troop stationed in Djibouti. Sergeant Galoup lives in his past halcyon days when life was uncomplicated, his men disciplined and regimented. But a new trooper joins, eclipsing Galoup's physical and social attributes, and ultimately disobeying his orders. The trooper's harsh penance may have been devised out of reasons other than just punishment. 92m
Tuesday April 6
Like all Japanese soldiers, Captain Yonoi considers that enemy soldiers in WWII POW camps are cowards, having chosen capture rather than noble suicide. So he commands his camp accordingly. British prisoner, John Lawrence (Tom Conti) speaks Japanese fluently and understands their attitudes so tries to facilitate some sort of harmony between jailers and prisoners. Then a new prisoner, New Zealander Maj. Jack Celliers (David Bowie) arrives. 123m
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