A special thank you to those who provided comment through the
playground improvements consultation. It is pleasing to see that it
appears there will be additional equipment provided throughout our
At our September meeting the Waikouaiti Coast Community Board (WCCB)
were pleased to confirm financial assistance from our discretionary
fund to Waikouaiti District Museum, POWA and Blueskin Resilient
Communities Trust.
The board also agreed to facilitate a fundraising workshop in order to
assist community groups with obtaining funding for community projects.
It is intended to hold a workshop early in the new year; community
groups and organisations interested in attending should contact one of
your board members.
By the time you read this the Dunedin City Council (DCC) should have
released Dunedin's draft Spatial Plan for public consultation. The
Spatial Plan is an overall strategic document that will provide the
council's vision for the next 30-40 years. It will feed into, guide
decision making, and provide overall strategic direction in areas such
as water, waste, roading/transport, recreation, parks and reserves,
and the DCC's District Plan. As such it is important that our
community make themselves familiar with the draft Spatial Plan and
participate in the consultation process.
DCC staff are to provide a public briefing session at 6.30pm on
Thursday 17 November in the 'John Brown' meeting room , East Otago
Events Centre, Waikouaiti. This meeting will allow staff to give an
overview of the draft plan and more importantly provide comment on
those aspects of the plan that relate to and affect our area. If you
wish to attend the meeting but are unable to do so as a result of
transportation issues, please feel free to contact any WCCB member and
we will endeavour to assist you with arranging transport.
It is expected that submissions on the draft Spatial Plan will close
in December; the actual date will be advertised once this is confirmed
by the DCC. Copies of the draft plan will be available at our local
libraries, from the DCC and through the council's website
The November WCCB meeting is at 5.30pm on 9 November 2011 at Karitane
Hall. Members of the public wishing to speak at the public forum need
to advise Jane Hinkley our Governance Support Officer (phone 474 3374)
before 12 noon on the day prior to the meeting.
Remember you can view the board's meeting agendas, reports and minutes
at either the Waikouaiti or Blueskin libraries or through the DCC's
website http://www.dunedin.govt.nz/your-council/council-minutes
Members of the board are only too happy to hear (by phone or email)
from members of the community about any issues within our area.
Board Contacts Home Work Mobile email
Gerard Collings (Chairperson), 4657604
4707494 0274848800 gerard.collings@xtra.co.nz
Alasdair Morrison (Deputy), 4822505 4822505 0274354384 info@calmarine.co.nz
Andy Barratt, 021890048 021890048 asbarratt@farmside.co.nz
Andrew Noone 4657157 0274301727 anoone@dcc.govt.nz
Geraldine Tait, 4822517 0212175492 gstait@clear.net.nz
Les Pullar, 4658138 0274358020 lesgwen.pullar@xtra.co.nz
Mark Brown, 4822833
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From blueskin.co.nz and 'Blueskin News' published by Blueskin Media:
voluntary/non-profit community publishers in Blueskin Bay (Seacliff,
Warrington, Evansdale, Waitati, Doctors Point), Dunedin, New Zealand.
All material sent to or published by us is "copyleft" in the public
domain and may be freely shared, archived, re-edited and republished.
If you want to credit the source it's "blueskin.co.nz".
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