23 May 2011

Waitati Edible Gardeners

By Derek Onley

Potato Harvest Year Three
The last day of April; the sky was bluer than a dunnock's egg. Seven
gardeners harvested 170 kilos of potatoes; the slugs got the rest. A
wet summer and autumn definitely favoured the slugs but we have one
advantage – there's plenty of spoilt hay about. Our next task will be
to cover the beds with as much of it as we can gather, along with
seaweed and manure. We are up to year three of our garden cycle and so
the potatoes will be going back into their original patch this year.
What this year's potatoes lacked in quantity they gained in
personality, even celebrity status, as you can see by the photo.
The garlic harvest was a great success for the second year in a row,
but this year's pumpkins did not do as well as last year, mainly
because of that unexpected frost back in December. The garlic patch is
now planted in broad beans and we have leeks fattening up well on top
of a vast quantity of beautiful Purakanui manure. We have also been
surprised at the wonderful artichokes that just seem to keep coming.
They make an excellent "slow food" lunch out in the late autumn
sunshine, accompanied by locally made Parisettes dressing and a cheeky
little chardonnay.
Anyone is welcome to join us in our community gardening, gathering and
harvesting. Ring Derek on 482 2831 or email derekonley@yahoo.com

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