21 November 2010



by school staff and parents

There has been an outbreak of Steampunk fever around the school after
the seniors returned from camp with this highly contagious disease
caught in Oamaru. The symptoms are an interest in Victoriana Punk
apparel with the addition of sci­fi styled weaponry. There
has also been a mutation of the fever with the addition of wacky
wheeled vehicles whizzing around the school – thanks to thoughtful
adults who have kindly donated pushchairs, motor mowers and tools.

Otago to Otara collaboration has begun. Room 1 are blogging about
their recent activities after being encouraged by students from Bairds
Mainfreight Primary School in Otara who have heard about what we are
doing. The BMPS students created a video on how to blog and posted it
on their class blog for us. The BMPS class aim to use the skills of
room 1 students to install an Ubuntu computer in their classroom early
in 2011.

In the meantime the BMPS students are assisting our school with
learning how to blog, distance is proving no barrier to collaborative
learning in this digital age. Room 1 pupils are also now teaching the
staff how to blog and with the creation of the Warrington School blog
site http://warringtonprimaryschool.blogspot.com/.

Congratulations to students who represented Warrington school at the
senior athletics last month. Superb effort from Lola and Elsa who have
been entered into the Otago Athletics Championships.

The middle school teaching position has been advertised and we are
hoping to have someone appointed to this position by the end of

2 December: BOT Meeting
15 December: End of year assembly 1.30pm
16 December: End of Term 4

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