by school staff and parents
Our principal is back from his time in Samoa with Habitat for
Humanity. Nathan spent two weeks based in Lepa, the south coast of
Upolo island which took the full force of
the September Tsunami. The team of 25 mainly kiwi volunteers he was
with worked on creating floors for fales (houses) either out of timber
or concrete, roofing and erecting toilet blocks.
Nathan says the extreme poverty that some Samoan families lived with
was sad to see, it made him realise how fortunate we are.
Thursday 5 August BOT
Wednesday 11 August Information evening for year 6 pupils and parents
re: year 7 & 8 programme
Sports Round-up
Warrington School's Miniball team has enjoyed a great term. We have
had some brilliant games, many with nail bitting endings! We have all
had loads of fun and are learning not only miniball skills but also
about team rules and etiquette. In particular how to work together and
support each other to maximise individual strengths. We have had two
coaching sessions from Basketball Otago.
Well done to all our Warrington hockey players.Year 7&8 Our combined
East Otago Intermediate team has gone from strength to strength. We
are now beating teams that thrashed us at the beginning of the season.
Lots more skills and confidence being
shown by all players.
Warrington Warriors: This is our year 5&6 team - we have won so many
games by such a high margin that we have been moved into the premier
division in the Wednesday night competitions. All the players working
really hard, playing as individuals as the beginning of the season now
a cohesive team!
Warrington Dolphins Our year 4&5 team. I really appreciate your
enthusiasm and commitment to the practices and the games. It's not
about winning the game (yeah right) but having fun that counts and you
all seem to have a lot of fun.
next term.
Mighty Ducks Mini Sticks – year 1-3 (from satellite reporter Dawn).
Wow what a season we are having - we regularly score 3 goals per game.
You boys have so much fun and what superb talent we have ready to move
up a level next year.
Many, many thanks to all the parents providing transport, sideline
support and such talented children.
Ā ā Ē ē Ī ī Ō ō Ū ū
From and 'Blueskin News' published by Blueskin Media:
voluntary/non-profit community publishers in Blueskin Bay (Seacliff,
Warrington, Evansdale, Waitati, Doctors Point), Dunedin, New Zealand.
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