The Waitati Edible Gardeners group has been exceedingly active over
the past month with a number of projects moving forward.
Harvest Market
The second of the year's three harvest markets, held last month was
dubbed another success. As well as a strong turn-out from local
residents wanting to make the most of the best produce on offer, a
number of visitors were from town or further afield. The market
showcases vegetables and fruit, preserves, plants and nuts, along with
anything else that is surplus to requirements.
A particular feature of the March market was an apple press which
seemed to be always surrounded by people fascinated at how it works or
wanting to try the juice it produced.
The third and final market will be held on Sunday April 18 from
10.30am to midday.
Waitati Open Orchard
Thanks to all of you who donated stuff to the WOO stall at the last
two WEGgies harvest markets. Fundraising is going well and we will
have another stall raising money for planting fruit/nut trees in
Waitati streets at the April market. We are still accepting donations
for the stall if you have anything.
The apple press at the last market was a hit so we will be doing it
again at the April market. So bring your own fruit to press (or let us
know of trees with ripe fruit and we may collect it to sell juice as a
fundraiser). The idea of pressing juice is that fruit that may
otherwise go to waste is juiced and that juice then can be frozen or
turned into cider.
Our recent successful fundraising efforts will allow us to buy some
trees etc. which we plan to plant in 'neighbourhood patches', street
verges and put into the 'adopt a tree' orphanage (we'll explain that a
bit more in the next issue).
On April 25 and 26 the Orokonui Rd riverside bank is getting some TLC
to get it ready for WOO trees. This area used to be a kept site used
by the community and the neighbours are keen to see it return to its
former glory – with the addition of fruit trees. The more the merrier,
so please come along, meet some other locals, and bring some tools to
cut long grass and weedy stuff!
• Waitati Open Orchard:
• Waitati Edible Gardeners:
From and 'Blueskin News' published by Blueskin Media:
voluntary/non-profit community publishers in Blueskin Bay (Seacliff,
Warrington, Evansdale, Waitati, Doctors Point), Dunedin, New Zealand.
All material sent to or published by us is "copyleft" in the public
domain and may be freely shared, archived, re-edited and republished.
If you want to credit the source it's "".
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