By Scott Willis
BRCT's staff and trustees had a well-earned break over the Christmas period, and the summer holiday has been a nourishing font of ideas. I hope you've all had a refreshing break as well! We're back in 2013 with enthusiasm for this cluster of Blueskin settlements and what the future holds.
There was no complete stop over summer though. As other columns note, the Blueskin Wind Cluster was engaged in a very successful fundraising campaign to enable the next critical phase of the project; the solar project was receiving tenders for the delivery of a bulk order of solar PV & solar thermal installation; we wrapped up our energy advice trial collaboration and have begun another collaboration; and work on the Climate Change Plan for Waitati continues (if it's not in the Blueskin News you can subscribe to the BRCT e-update for more details. See
The start of the year is also a very good time to reflect on all that is possible through volunteer skill and commitment. BRCT, like most other community organisations, has a volunteer governance body of trustees. Trustees are essential in creating a strong future by continuously steering towards a vision and making sure the day-to-day management is always lined up with BRCT goals. Without this group of dedicated individuals in BRCT (and in other community organisations), nothing much could happen.
What BRCT is slowly working on is a realignment of economic activity around social well-being while reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities. It is no simple ambition, however it is deeply rewarding!
It is also exciting to see so many initiatives throughout Blueskin working towards greater local resilience, as well as many individuals active on the big challenges. Under the DCC's new austerity approach in which the council is reaching out to community groups, it is important to consider what greater collaboration might enable and require of us all, and how we can be effective participants in designing and managing our future.
Visit us at at the office at 1121 Mt Cargill Rd, Waitati (on Waitati School grounds), or on Facebook ( Telephone us on 482 2048.