Blueskin Garden Club hosted another successful Spring Flower Show last
month. A big thank you to everyone from Blueskin Bay and surrounds
who supported the show. If it wasn't for you all cutting your prize
blooms, not to mention the amazing rhododendrons, we would not have a
There were 791 entries, which was a bit down on last year, but still
the Waitati Hall was a blaze of colour. Special thanks to the
teachers, staff and parents from the Warrington Playcentre and School
who as always encourage and support the children into taking part. The
painted stones drew many favourable comments. How clever our young
folk are. Thank you also to Peter Appleby and Graeme Fyfe for giving
our show a good plug on Radio Dunedin.
Thank you also to the judges who give freely of their time. Thank you
to the Blueskin Nursery for the plant which was raffled. Raffle prize
winners were Ruth Stevens, Daphne Henderson, Sarah Smith, Pete Addis,
Lisa Clifford and Jan Boswell. Children's raffle winners were Maddox
Duff, Steven Rainbow, Phoebe Ozanne, Michael Rainbow, Leah Macdonnell,
Myah Omipi, Cathryn Stewart, Susan Powell, Maddy Ozanne, Rosa Cameron
and Grace Cunningham.
Trophy winners were Most Points in the Juniors section Maddy Ozanne,
2nd= Roland Ozanne and Jasmine Johnson, 3rd Ashlie Carbines and 4th
Phoebe Ozanne.
Family with most points: the Ozanne Family. Floral Art, Best Exhibit,
Prize Bloom, Most Individual Points: Lyne Carlyle. Most Points in
Flowering Shrubs: Daphne Henderson.
Congratulations to all the winners. Thank you to everyone for taking
part and we look forward to your continuing support next year.
25 September 2011
Blueskin Flower Show
Photos: Tree planting at Church Creek, Warrington, Saturday, September 24
From: Peter Dowden <>
Date: Sat, 24 Sep 2011 18:52:04 +1200
Subject: People: Tree planting at Church Creek, Warrington on
Saturday, September 24
172: Lance and Brayden Omipi (10), of Warrington, plant a horopito.
173: Chris Young and Karie-Anne Darling, both of Warrington, plant a
cabbage tree.
176: Nathan and Katie Parker, of Warrington, plant a coprosma.
Peter Dowden
26 Park Rd, Warrington/Ōkāhau, Ōtāgo 9449
+64-3-482 2441 (mornings are best)
+64 21 137 2129 (mobile; please try landline first)
Ā ā Ē ē Ī ī Ō ō Ū ū
From and 'Blueskin News' published by Blueskin Media:
voluntary/non-profit community publishers in Blueskin Bay (Seacliff,
Warrington, Evansdale, Waitati, Doctors Point), Dunedin, New Zealand.
All material sent to or published by us is "copyleft" in the public
domain and may be freely shared, archived, re-edited and republished.
If you want to credit the source it's "".
24 September 2011
The Purakaunui Environment Group (PEG) Incorporated held its 2011 AGM
on 22 September.
Due to unfortunate ill-health the outgoing chairperson was unable to
deliver a report, however the following is a transcript of a
'catch-up' recently delivered to households in the Purakaunui area
reporting our activities.
This last year has seen the culmination of our efforts over six years
to oppose what we consider to be inappropriate development on Potato
Point. There has been some success.
Six years ago there was to be a subdivision that involved three houses
of considerable size along with their related buildings and tanks .
That proposal morphed later into a two house version. Neither found
favour with the Dunedin City Council (DCC). The developer appealed the
DCC decision. We joined the DCC in defending their decision in court.
The developer lost his appeal in both the Environment Court and the
High Court.
End of story? No -- but then we didn't expect it to be. First there
was good news. Local crib owner John Williamson purchased the southern
flank of Potato Point and expressed a desire to redevelop some
vegetation on it -- something we're keen to help with.
Then it was back into the fray when the developer, and owner of the
northern slopes of the headland, applied to build a barn and stock
yards. This application was not notified by the DCC so no submissions
could be made. The DCC approved the barn and the stock yards but with
conditions -- one of them being that the barn could not be turned into
a dwelling.
The developer objected and the DCC compromised to some extend by
allowing for the possibility that the barn could be enlarged and the
stock yard extended -- but the barn still couldn't be turned into a
dwelling without it going back through 'due process' at the DCC and
probably being notified.
The developer then applied for permission to build a house. This was
notified by the DCC, and PEG made submissions expressing our concerns
regarding the house, its siting and impact on the landscape. In fact,
the house that was proposed in this application was better in almost
every respect than the previous designs -- lower, built into the hill
and using materials that would make it less visually intrusive.
Despite our reservations the DCC approved the house and its site (in
the patch of bush almost exactly on the summit of Potato Point). There
were conditions attached to the consent: a covenant protecting the
bush apart from the 450 sq m immediately surrounding the house; no
'ancillary structures' more than 25 sq m to be erected on the site;
and no more than two structures of less than that area to be erected.
We still weren't keen on the idea of any houses on the site. We felt
-- and still feel -- that building on headlands, particularly on this
piece of the coast, is both unnecessary and visually intrusive, so PEG
appealed that DCC decision to the Environment Court.
While we waited for the court process to begin the northern flank of
Potato Point was sold to new owners, Jon and Lynley Fergus.
Part of the process leading up to an Environment Court hearing
involves court ordered and organised mediation between the parties to
see if agreement can be reached and a court hearing avoided. Also,
with a new owner, it was an opportunity to see if there might be any
common ground between them and us.
We were constrained by two major factors. First, the District Plan
gives the council discretion to allow a second building close to an
existing one in a rural zone (subject to some conditions) and we were
unsure whether the consent conditions would prevent this. Second,
taking the case to the Environment Court is an expensive business
involving lawyers and expert witnesses and tens of thousands of
dollars. Our previous experience at court had alerted us to this
reality. Our best option was to lay our concerns on the table at
If we could not reverse the council's decision to allow one house, we
wanted to limit the possibility of there being more than that. This
has been successful; the DCC and the new owner agreed that the wording
of the conditions of consent relating to ancillary structures be
altered by removing the word 'ancillary', as it was not their
intention to build another house on the property.
We were also anxious to confirm right of access around the base of the
headland, already theoretically conferred by a paper road, the problem
being that nobody knew quite where the paper road was, or even if all
of it still existed. The owners agreed to walking access and the three
parties agreed to split equally the costs of surveying and marking the
walkway. As expected, it was found that parts of the paper road had
crumbled away and in some places had completely disappeared into the
sea. The paper road has now, in effect, been reinstated by creating a
20 m wide right-of-way easement for walking access around the
perimeter of the Fergus's property, and there are marker poles in
There are conditions attached to the right of access which mean that
people won't, for example, be able to walk on the property during
lambing, between 1 September and 15 November. Also, how to get to the
'beginning' of the easement, part way around the point, still has to
be resolved.
So after six years nobody has got exactly what they wanted -- and
perhaps that is the way it should be. We're happy that there aren't
three massive houses on the point along with their garages, sheds and
tanks, and we're happy that we have successfully 'raised the bar' in
terms of what sort of housing is acceptable on headlands of this sort.
We are also very pleased to have forged an understanding with the DCC.
Until now the issue of a consent was often the first that locals knew
of a development on a prominent site in the area. That has changed,
and PEG will be in a good position to have a say in future proposals
where we believe we can contribute to a better outcome.
We'd like to thank all of you who have been supportive over the last
few years. Your assistance and support has been really valued.
23 September 2011
About Blueskin Bay Watch
During a recent AGM we realised that some of us in Waitati have new
neighbours who may not have heard of Blueskin Bay Watch (BBW), so here
is a brief rundown of how we began and what we do.
BBW formed in 2005 in response to the purchase of Opeke, the peninsula
that sits in the centre of our Blueskin Bay village and overlooks the
estuary. Opeke used to be a wild and wonderful place, full of very old
trees, planted when Waitati was first settled by Pakeha, and lots of
overgrown gorse that was slowly reverting to native bush. It was one
of those places that young Waitatians loved to explore -- usually
without mum or dad's permission. It is now owned by developer Allan
Dippie and is surrounded by a white picket fence, criss-crossed with
roads that look remarkably like the beginning of a quite large
subdivision, and lined with poplars (the poplars are a topic for a
future Blueskin News…watch this space).
In the usual scheme of things communities don't get a say when areas
of land in and around them get bought up by developers. Often
development plans are non-notified so there is no chance for the
public to submit, as was the case with Don's Creek. As well, the
Resource Management Act is stacked against communities – and just in
case there was any doubt about this, the National Government has
tweaked the act to confirm whose side they are on – any guesses?
Some of us decided it was worth keeping a close eye on Opeke, so
Blueskin Bay Watch was formed. While this single issue got us started,
our objects are wider: to advocate for sustainable development that
would retain the intrinsic character of the community, to help protect
the local flora and fauna, to be a conduit for communicating with
local bodies and governing authorities and to act as a legal entity to
represent community perspectives to places like the Environment Court.
We want to have a say about the direction our community will go.
Blueskin Bay's ecosystem would not sustain a large number of new
dwellings, such as Mr Dippie originally proposed for Opeke. We haven't
got the infrastructure to cope, and many of us are not interested in
biggering and bettering at the cost of a community lifestyle that has
chosen not to put money before all else (the rest of the world, maybe
even developers, will catch up with us eventually).
Some of the things we have been involved in since forming BBW in 2005
are writing submissions to the Dunedin City Council (DCC) re the
District Plan and Dunedin Futures, and supporting the DCC in trying to
limit the number of houses built along Wright's Road, a subdivision on
the ridge line above Evansdale. The DCC has on occasion contacted us
if a relevant local issue arises that they think we might be
interested in, like the SH1 realignment. We are currently drafting a
letter seeking confirmation of the consultation process on the
realignment which has been shelved until 2013/14.
We are a completely voluntary incorporated society. If you have a
community issue that you think we could help with, let us know. If our
aims appeal, contact us, we'd love to welcome new members. Our next
meeting is planned for February 2012 – there was mention of a cricket
match. (For more information contact Lee Paterson, secretary, 482
PURAKANUI SCHOOL [with photo in .doc]
On 13 September we accompanied Jup Brown on his run from Dunedin to
Palmerston, running with him on his descent from Mount Cargill. Jup is
running the equivalent of 60 marathons to raise funds for the Stroke
Foundation, and will finish his run in Auckland on 8 November. Jup
gave a talk to the children about the run and stroke education before
he carried on. We are spreading the word to text "Stroke" to 5339 to
make a $3 donation and support Jup on his run for this worthy cause.
We had a marvellous visit to Puketeraki Marae at Karitane to watch the
Kahurangi Dance Theatre perform. The troupe were great and Sam
Yeardley enjoyed practising his taiaha skills with them.
We have also been very busy with our sports theme and Sam and John
Yeardley competed in the Otago Cross-country Champs, as well as the
seniors participating in the Edgar Centre Sports Day, with 12
different sporting activities to try. The children in the senior room
are currently inventing rules for new sports such as tree-climbing,
scootering, porridge-wrestling and even eating!
Four keen ukelele strummers practised hard for the Ukelele Jam which
took place at Balmacewen Intermediate. This follows up our very
exciting performance at Stars on Stage.
Our very successful Quiz Night took place on Friday 23 September, and
thanks to Steve Walker and all the particpating teams for generously
supporting our school. This year we are putting the proceeds towards
new sports uniforms.
BLUESKIN ENERGY PROJECT: Open days and community
What a wonderful experience, in all our small halls and local
settlements over two weekends in September. Residents and visitors
attended the open days held at Long Beach, Warrington and Waitati to
learn more about the Blueskin Energy Project and contribute thoughts,
ideas and passion. Thank you to everyone for your obvious and keen
An impressive amount of information has been collected from these
recent open days – people placed stickers on maps indicating their
household location (where they came from), made comments and left
their details, proffered remarks on the banners hanging on the walls,
participated in a straw poll, and all have been invited to fill out
the online survey (at The project of
a local wind cluster requires first a robust process enabling
community input. This is what the open days were intended to do – not
sell a project, but increase participation, share information and
enable input.
We are now in the process of analysing and ordering the information
collected, assisted by planners Ros Day and Andrew Henderson.
Information gathered at the open days (and in the online survey) has
several purposes. It will:
1. Help gauge the level and quality of support for the wind cluster proposal;
2. Provide guidance for the next stages of work on the project;
3. Demonstrate gaps in information and further work required; and,
4. Enable evaluation of our efforts to ensure broad participation.
The information will be used in the first instance to enable the
Blueskin Resilient Communities Trust to complete a report on community
engagement for the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority. That
report, like the 2010 Blueskin Power Feasibility Study, will become a
public document. The engagement report is however only the most
immediate outcome. Information collected will also enable the
development of the next stage in the wind cluster proposal.
While data collection is ongoing, the work in parallel is now to
develop further the best business model to enable the project and
reflect community values. This is by no means a simple task, but it is
one that will be much easier now that we have input from a larger
section of the Blueskin community. Pulling together all the elements
from the open days and survey, while moving further along with the
proposal will take some months.
Early in the New Year we'll hold follow-up public meetings to report
back on how the summary is looking. This stage of the proposal is a
really important stage. Even if you didn't make it to the open days
please take five minutes to fill in the survey that you will find
online at: -- though I'd suggest you take a
look at the displays (also available online) first. If you are not
connected to the internet, phone me on 03 482 2048 during working
hours and I will send you a hard copy of the survey to complete and
mail back.
22 September 2011
Blueskin Garden Club
We met early last month and our speakers showed us how to define
different types of daffodils. This helped us to enter them all
correctly in our recent show. We all then took part in creating a
table setting using beautiful spring flowers which we had brought
along to share. The Warrington Hall looked like a mini show when we
had all finished.
Our October get together is Saturday 15 October. Please meet at
Michies Crossing at 11am. We will walk the Opeke Track and then go on
to Daphne's for a garden tour and shared lunch.
Contact: Lyn 482 2896 or Glenys 482 2640.
Warrington Playcentre
Happy spring to all! Our centre is certainly looking lovely as the
daffodils launch into bloom and the blossoms delight us – especially
when the breeze blows the tiny petals around like snowflakes. We are
beginning to feel a lot like bananas as we peel off all our winter
layers and enjoy the warming weather.
We created amazing sand saucers and painted stones for Blueskin Garden
Club's Spring Flower Show, recently. We are also getting our
vegetables and sunflowers ready for planting out around our garden and
have been excitedly planting grasses behind the centre. There are
green thumbs, fingers and sometimes whole bodies everywhere!
We have been excitedly welcoming lots of new friends to Playcentre and
are enjoying getting to know them and their parents. We are looking
into being open on Mondays too (dates to be advised) as our numbers
increase. If you are able to join us on Mondays please give the
Playcentre a ring so we can book you in.
We continue to update and improve our environment and have just had a
new fence installed at the back of our Wild Things patch, and new
gates on the Station Road entrance – thanks Mark Horsefield – they
look very smart and keep us where we're supposed to be beautifully!
We are also going to be taking orders for the deliciously yummy kiwi
classic, and 'oh-so-useful-to-have-in-the-freezer' cheese roll
shortly, as a fundraising venture. So if you love them and know they
are a great stand-by for rumbling tummies get in touch with us at the
numbers below and we will get rolling!
Three cheers for Flynn and Jamie who have just turned into terrific
three year olds! Double the trouble but triple in years; have a
fantastic year full of fun, learning and growing.
If you are interested in joining in the fun with us, we are open
Wednesdays and Fridays 9:15am to 12:15pm, or phone the Playcentre 027
227 7329 for more information. We'd love to meet you! Ka kite ano!
Music Market at Warrington School
The Music Market is an idea to get a bunch of mates and strangers
together for a bit of improv/jam/busk at the monthly market formerly
known as Coast Road Market.
There will be some room for us in the Blueskin Bay FM studio. Just
bring an instrument or an active voice and join in the fun. Or you
could just dance in front of the studio's
huge mirror wall. No need to register or audition, just turn up on the
first Sunday of the month (Sunday 2 October this month), 11am-2pm.
Peter Dowden, 482 2441 (am best) 021 137 2129
Orokonui Ecosanctuary
Sirocco the kakapo's visit is drawing to a close at the time of
writing. Initially it took him a couple of days to settle in and
become confident in his new pens. Soon however he was skraaking in the
night, destroying astelias (eating the leaf bases) and enjoying a
nightly munch on the crown ferns (Blechnum discolor).
A morepork was attracted to the lights of his display pen, sitting on
a branch above waiting for moths to come in. On a couple of nights
kiwi were heard calling and some very lucky groups saw a kiwi out on
the track. Kaka too were heard, adding to the magical sounds of native
New Zealand at night.
Val Fay, maestro of all things planted and volunteer leader par
excellence, was suitably recognised at the recent conservation
volunteer night. She was the winner of the Coastal Otago Conservation
Volunteers are an incredibly important part of life and work at
Orokonui. It was underlined again with the Sirocco tours when a
committed band of volunteers (many locals included) aided the guides
and made the Sirocco experience an incredibly satisfying one. The
feedback indicated how much that extra help was appreciated even
though sometimes nothing was said at the time.
A special mention must go to Karin Ludwig who took up the contract as
kakapo minder. She has experience on several of the "kakapo islands",
been involved in kakapo research and minded Sirocco when he visited
Ulva Island. She harvested food for Sirocco, cleaned up after him,
talked to up to five groups a night and got very little sleep for the
whole month he was at Orokonui. Sirocco was the star but the
interaction between bird and minder was absolutely delightful.
News and events such as night tours, talks and social/ band evenings
can be found on and facebook.
The Visitor Centre is open daily 9.30 – 4.30 (cafe 10 – 4).
The Waikouaiti Coast Community Board (WCCB) has noticed a significant
increase in applications for funding from community groups and
non-profit organisations from within our community over recent months.
It is recognised that it is becoming more difficult for community
groups to access funds for projects and activities. At a recent
meeting with the Otago Community Trust and Dunedin City Council (DCC)
community grants staff, both organisations expressed a desire to
provide guidance and assistance to community groups considering
projects that may or may not attract funding assistance. The advice is
free and their knowledge of charitable funding bodies extends well
beyond their own organisation. I am eager to hear from community
groups and organisations that are interested in the WCCB facilitating
a workshop on community fundraising within our area.
At our September meeting the board will consider opening the locked
gates at the Warrington Reserve during summer months. The gates have
been locked over the winter in response to damage caused by boy
The information facility at East Otago Events Centre in Waikouaiti
during the Rugby World Cup has received a positive response. It is
pleasing to hear that a number of the visitors have been either new
residents or people seriously thinking about moving into the district.
A special thanks to all those volunteers who have committed their
time to manning the centre.
Special thanks also to those who made sure the world cup train from
Waitati was a real community event, the success of the first train was
a credit to those involved.
I am pleased to hear that the fundraising effort for the Blueskin
library project is well underway. This project has the ability to
deliver a much deserved first class facility for our community. The
fundraising group members have provided a personal commitment of their
time and effort in order to achieve a positive outcome for us all. It
is important that we as a community get behind the fundraising effort.
Copies of Dunedin City Council documents out for consultation are
available from the DCC office and through the council's website
The September WCCB meeting is at 5.30pm, 28 September, at Warrington
Surf Club rooms. The next meeting will be at 5.30pm, 9 November
2011, in the Karitane Hall.
Members of the public wishing to speak at the public forum before each
meeting need to advise Jane Hinkley our Governance Support Officer
(Phone 4743374) by 12 noon on the day prior to the meeting.
Remember, you can view the WCCB's meeting agendas, reports and minutes
at either the Waikouaiti or Blueskin libraries or through the DCC's
website at
Members of the board are only too happy to hear (by phone or email)
from members of the community about any issues within our area.
Board Contacts Home Work Mobile email
Gerard Collings (Chairperson), 4657604
4707494 0274848800
Alasdair Morrison (Deputy), 4822505 4822505 0274354384
Andy Barratt, 021890048 021890048
Andrew Noone 4657157 0274301727
Geraldine Tait, 4822517 0212175492
Les Pullar, 4658138 0274358020
Mark Brown, 4822833
Gerard Collings
Waikouaiti Coast Community Board
Ā ā Ē ē Ī ī Ō ō Ū ū
From and 'Blueskin News' published by Blueskin Media:
voluntary/non-profit community publishers in Blueskin Bay (Seacliff,
Warrington, Evansdale, Waitati, Doctors Point), Dunedin, New Zealand.
All material sent to or published by us is "copyleft" in the public
domain and may be freely shared, archived, re-edited and republished.
If you want to credit the source it's "".
Meet the Blue Sticks
What is it about Blueskin Bay that produces so many good hockey
players? Last yearʼs
Otago Under-13 Girlsʼ Hockey Team had five players from Warrington,
and this year's
team has gone one better: of the 2011 squad of 16 players, six hail
from Blueskin
Bay, including the captain and the vice-captain.
Maybe itʼs the clean air, or all of the energetic outdoor activities
that children from our
community enjoy. Perhaps itʼs because of the wonderful coaching and
support they get
from teachers, parents and schools. It certainly has a lot to do with
the many hours of hard
work, and the enthusiasm and commitment these girls have shown in
order to earn their
places on the team against some tough competition.
In the October school holidays, they will travel with the team,
including manager Polly
Higham, to Palmerston North, where they will compete in the Collier
Trophy hockey
tournament against the top under-13 girlsʼ hockey teams from around New Zealand.
So, to Isabelle Becconsall-Ryan, Charlotte Becconsall-Ryan, Ruby Randall, Devon
Familton, Mira Neuman and Izzie Locker -- well done, girls, weʼre
proud of you. And good
luck in Palmerston North!
Ā ā Ē ē Ī ī Ō ō Ū ū
From and 'Blueskin News' published by Blueskin Media:
voluntary/non-profit community publishers in Blueskin Bay (Seacliff,
Warrington, Evansdale, Waitati, Doctors Point), Dunedin, New Zealand.
All material sent to or published by us is "copyleft" in the public
domain and may be freely shared, archived, re-edited and republished.
If you want to credit the source it's "".
16 September 2011
Waitati Volunteer Fire Brigade: Smoke Alarm Maintenance
Dust and spider webs can affect smoke alarms. Clean your alarm with a
vacuum cleaner once a month, and while doing so test the alarm by
pushing the test button. Batteries must be changed once a year; time
this to recur on a regular date (such as on New Year's day, daylight
saving or a family member's birthday). All smoke alarms will sound a
short 'beep' every so often indicating that the battery is going flat.
Smoke alarms have a life expectancy of 10 years. A smoke alarm
constantly monitors the air 24 hours a day. At the end of 10 years, it
has gone through over 3.5 million monitoring cycles. After this much
use, components may become less reliable. This means that as the
detector gets older, the potential of failing to detect a fire
increases. Smoke alarms that are wired into an electrical system (or
burglar alarm) also need to be replaced every 10 years.
If an alarm regularly responds to smoke from cooking, there are
several options to handle this problem. One way is to replace the
alarm with one that has a button to silence it for a few minutes. Or
you could move the alarm further away, giving the smoke more time to
If the detector is of the ionization type, another option is to
replace it with a photoelectric alarm; this type of detector is less
sensitive to the smaller particles so is less affected by cooking
smoke. A further option is to use a heat detector rather than a smoke
To stop an alarm sounding, you need to clear the air in the sensor
chamber. Fanning the alarm with a paper or tea towel is the best
method and the alarm will stop automatically. Do not disable the
alarm by removing the battery.
Ā ā Ē ē Ī ī Ō ō Ū ū
From and 'Blueskin News' published by Blueskin Media:
voluntary/non-profit community publishers in Blueskin Bay (Seacliff,
Warrington, Evansdale, Waitati, Doctors Point), Dunedin, New Zealand.
All material sent to or published by us is "copyleft" in the public
domain and may be freely shared, archived, re-edited and republished.
If you want to credit the source it's "".
Rugby World Cup 2011: Waitati Train Service Tweaked
of the Rugby World Cup (RWC) matches resulted in the decision to
cancel those two trips. 'The first train services to a Dunedin Rugby
World Cup 2011 match were a fantastic success', the Dunedin City
Council's RWC Transport Co-ordinator Greg Sligo said. 'However, it
was not financially viable to run the Waitati train for the England v
Georgia and England v Romania matches. We consulted with the Waitati
organisers before making this decision, and they agreed that the train
would run again only for the Ireland v Italy game on 2 October, which
is expected to sell out.'
People who hold tickets for the canceled services are being contacted
where possible and can claim a refund from Taieri Gorge Railway or the
Dunedin i-SITE Visitor Centre.
An additional bus will be put on from Palmerston for all those who
wish to use public transport to the matches. Bookings for the bus can
be made by phoning Dunedin Passenger Transport Ltd on 03 474 1669.
Greg said that the Mosgiel to Dunedin and Waitati to Dunedin train
services were well used for the first match, and feedback from all
those who travelled aboard had been positive. Almost 300 people used
the Mosgiel service and about 130 were on the Waitati train. The
Dunedin City Council is underwriting the cost of the trains.
For more information, please contact:
Greg Sligo
DCC RWC Transport Co-ordinator
021 819397
Ā ā Ē ē Ī ī Ō ō Ū ū
From and 'Blueskin News' published by Blueskin Media:
voluntary/non-profit community publishers in Blueskin Bay (Seacliff,
Warrington, Evansdale, Waitati, Doctors Point), Dunedin, New Zealand.
All material sent to or published by us is "copyleft" in the public
domain and may be freely shared, archived, re-edited and republished.
If you want to credit the source it's "".
Does this belong to you?
bedding when refugees were stranded here during the snow storms.
There are lots of blankets, pillows, duvets, sleeping bags, umbrellas,
hats and scarves left at the Waitati hall. If you think any of these
items are yours please contact the Blueskin Bay library on 482 2444.
Ā ā Ē ē Ī ī Ō ō Ū ū
From and 'Blueskin News' published by Blueskin Media:
voluntary/non-profit community publishers in Blueskin Bay (Seacliff,
Warrington, Evansdale, Waitati, Doctors Point), Dunedin, New Zealand.
All material sent to or published by us is "copyleft" in the public
domain and may be freely shared, archived, re-edited and republished.
If you want to credit the source it's "".
10 September 2011
On Saturday 20 August the Annual General Meeting of the Waitati
Volunteer Fire Brigade was held at the fire station, and a great night
was enjoyed by all. It was reported that for the calendar year
01/01/10 to 31/12/10 the brigade had attended 68 calls. This is a
marked increase on the previous year, so the brigade hopes to increase
advertising and advice through our local Blueskin News to reverse this
trend. Since the last AGM staffing has remained constant with the
only addition being Sam Todd our junior recruit. Sam shows great
enthusiasm and motivation and we welcome him to the brigade.
Congratulations to the following members who received awards on the night:
Fire Fighter of the Year – Charles Abraham. This award is decided by
members of the brigade. It is awarded to the person who the members
feel contributed that little bit extra during the year, so
congratulations Charles on an award well deserved.
Best Attendance – Lindsay Scott. Lindsay's dedication and commitment
to the brigade is constant and very much appreciated.
Piston Broke Trophy (oopsy award) – Seraya Figgins. Sorry Seraya, but
someone's got to get it.
During the meeting the following issue was raised. Members of the
Waitati brigade would like to make further inquiries of the brigade,
Fire Service, the committee and St John into further equipping and
training members to be medical co-responders. The brigade voted
unanimously to look more closely at this proposal, and any community
feedback would be appreciated.
Recently when the motorway was closed due to the snow the brigade was
pleased to be able to offer assistance to many people who were
stranded, from taking cups of tea and soup to truckies to informing
people about the use of the hall. We were proud to be part of the
community spirit of Blueskin Bay. Well done to everyone who helped
out and showed people the hospitality that our community provides.
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From and 'Blueskin News' published by Blueskin Media:
voluntary/non-profit community publishers in Blueskin Bay (Seacliff,
Warrington, Evansdale, Waitati, Doctors Point), Dunedin, New Zealand.
All material sent to or published by us is "copyleft" in the public
domain and may be freely shared, archived, re-edited and republished.
If you want to credit the source it's "".