Hello everyone/kiaora tatou,
A friendly reminder of the Blueskin Media AGM: 7-8pm, Tuesday 28 June,
Gallery on Blueskin.
By long-standing tradition, all members of the Blueskin Bay community
are allowed to attend, speak and vote at Blueskin Media meetings Our
meetings are notoriously friendly, efficient and brief.
Please come along. You can volunteer to get involved, or ask awkward
questions, or simply observe to hold us accountable to our community.
Before you come, please read the Minutes; they are at the foot of this
message. A Financial Report will follow by email. Minutes and reports
will not be read out at the meeting.
The AGM Agenda are below (plural verb included for Latin scholars' benefit).
Peter Dowden
Blueskin Media
Welcome and Apologies
Approval of Draft Minutes, 2010 AGM (please read these before you come
to the meeting; they are at the foot of this message. Minutes will not
be read out at the meeting.)
Election of Office Bearers:
- President (The President has indicated an intention to retire.)
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- Committee/editorial team
Approval of Financial Report (please read these before you come to the
meeting; it will follow by email and will not be read out at the
Possible donation to a local community group: (this is included in the
Agenda because it has become somewhat a tradition, but the AGM may or
may not elect to make one this year)
Matters Arising from 2010 Minutes:
- Legal status for Blueskin Media
- District phone directory
- 'Blueskin Bayleaf' Recipe book
- Reporting of Community Board matters
General Business
- Web hosting, website, email issues
- Schoolpupils' reporting
- Any Other Business
Draft Minutes
Annual General Meeting of Blueskin Media
9 May 2010, 7:30 pm
Gallery on Blueskin, Waitati
Present: Louise Booth, Polly Higham, Therése Hailes, Craig Marshall,
Peter Dowden, Lawrence Hay, Geraldine Tait, Ed Higby, Nicky Clarke,
Louise Burnside, Lynnaire Johnston, Alasdair Morrison, Rosemary
Apologies: Colleen Hastie, Gerry Thompson (late), Chris Skellett
Election of Office Bearers
Peter Dowden: nominated by Louise Booth, seconded by Therése Hailes
Louise Booth indicated she was more than happy relinquish this
position and Peter was elected unanimously
Therése Hailes and Lawrence Hay were nominated to share this position
and to ensure there was always someone at each meeting.
The Secretaries job is to record minutes at meetings and to distribute
these, and to deal with non financial correspondence.
After discussion Colleen Hastie was nominated and elected to this
position subject to her acceptance.
The Treasurer's role is to maintain a two-monthly billing cycle to
each of the paying advertisers, to record payments both inward and
out, to keep a record of donations and payments, and to maintain a
simple set of books that record transactions and balances. Recycled
envelopes were noted as an effective way of recycling and reducing
Each issue brings in about $340 of revenue and costs an average of
about $310 to produce. Other costs included web hosting and domain
name rentals., along with other sundry costs.
The accounts are not audited by verified (but see below).
Louise Burnside, Lynnaire Johnston, Louise Booth, Craig Marshall, Nicky Clarke
Outgoing Treasurer
Polly Higham presented her final Treasurer's report. Revenue for the
year was $3723.5 and costs $3549.67 leaving a surplus of $173.85 for
the year. Our bank balance on April 1st 2009 was $2440.77 and March 31
2010 was $2614.60.
The accounts were verified this year by Frank Stent of Target
Accounting. He noted in his report that Blueskin Media should consider
becoming an Incorporated Society to provide a legal structure for the
group's activities and to limit liability in the event of some kind of
legal action.
General Business
Legal status for Blueskin Media
It was resolved that Geraldine Tait and Alasdair Morrison would
investigate the possibility of Blueskin Media becoming an Incorporated
Society or Charitable Trust, and would report their findings to the
District phone directory
It was noted that the Waitati School had produced a district phone
directory but this was now about 10 years old and therefore out of
date. It was resolved that Blueskin Media would investigate producing
another such phone directory including addresses in Blueskin Bay,
Warrington, Evansdale, and Seacliff. It was possible this might be
produced by a combination of advertising revenue and sales of the
directory. Alternatively, it was possible that funds from the
Waikouaiti Coast Community Board might be prepared to fund such a
directory allowing it to be distributed free of charge.
Peter Dowden, Nicky Clarke, Geraldine Tait and Therése Hailes to
investigate further and report to the Committee
Collection of recipes from The Blueskin Bayleaf
Peter Dowden and Lynnaire Johnston will investigate collecting
together recipes from The Blueskin Bayleaf and producing these in some
form. It is possible that the WEGies might be interested in assisting
this process.
Donation to Blueskin FM
It was resolved that a donation of $104 ($2 per week for a year) would
be made to Blueskin FM.
Moved Peter Dowden, seconded by Louise Booth
Editorial matters
There was discussion as to how we might include more information from
the Waikouaiti Coast Community Board. Alasdair Morrison noted that
they have a 6 week meeting cycle which does not fit tidily into our
monthly publishing cycle. However, we will continue to include
relevant items from the Board's meetings.
Peter Dowden noted it was the policy of Blueskin Media to publish the
views of the community rather than to publish items written by
'reporters'. This approach has been successful for the most part and
will be continued with.
Presentation to Polly Higham
A small gift was presented to Polly Higham as a token of Blueskin
Media's appreciation of all her work over the years, along with thanks
by acclamation. Polly is the longest serving member of Blueskin Media
and was instrumental in dealing with a serious financial squeeze some
years ago, and has much to do with the very satisfactory current
financial state of the organisation.
Meeting closed at 8:45 pm. It was noted that this broke the record as
Blueskin Media's longest-ever meeting (1 hour, 15 minutes).
Ā ā Ē ē Ī ī Ō ō Ū ū
From blueskin.co.nz and 'Blueskin News' published by Blueskin Media:
voluntary/non-profit community publishers in Blueskin Bay (Seacliff,
Warrington, Evansdale, Waitati, Doctors Point), Dunedin, New Zealand.
All material sent to or published by us is "copyleft" in the public
domain and may be freely shared, archived, re-edited and republished.
If you want to credit the source it's "blueskin.co.nz".